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Affiliate Network Marketing


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Affiliate Network Marketing or Networking Arbitrage.


1. What is Affiliate Network Marketing?

 In short, Affiliate Network Marketing is the synergetic symbiosis of Affiliate Marketing and Network marketing. Below we give more detailed description.

             1.1    MLM or Network Marketing

             MLM/Network marketing is a method of distributing products or services directly to consumers through a  network—of independent distributors. Distributors are rewarded as for the sales as for their efforts to build the network (recruit new distributors).

 A MLM company sells the products to distributors for a price P1. Distributors sell the products to customers for a price P2 which  is higher then P1, so distributor earns the difference P2-P1. In addition company pays commissions to distributors for attracting new distributors. New distributors which were attracted by a distributor are named as 1st level distributors with respect to this distributor. All 1st level distributors from 1st level distributors are named as 2nd level distributors with respect to this distributor, and so on. The power of MLM consists in the payment scheme. According to this scheme each distributor receives commissions from all distributors up to a some level. To understand the power of MLM rewarding model, let us consider a simple example. Suppose that a distributor has income of 5% from personal sales, and 1% from sales of others distributors up to the 5th level. Suppose that each distributor “recruites” two new distributors, and on average a distributor sells products on $1000, each. Then income of a distributor who has at least 6th –levels network will be -$1260. But his own sales (personal sales) give to the distributor only $100. All other income ($1160) comes from sales of other distributors. See table below.



Number of distributors

Income from the distributors on the level



















 But on practice occurs some problems. (See, MLMer Survival Guide) The main problem is a finite market size. The second big problem is the cost of entry (participation in MLM). As far as the each new distributor can face the situation of market’s saturation (so she/he could not recruit new distributors), she/he is exposed to a risk of loosing her/his money (costs of entry).

             1.2    Affiliate Marketing (AM)

Affiliate marketing is a method of distributing products or services to consumers through a  network—of affiliates who refer customers to the seller. The affiliates are rewarded for these references or/and for sales to the referred customers.

According to Forrester Research,Inc., affiliates delivered 13% of retail sales in 1999, and will deliver 21% in 2003. The power of Affiliate Marketing is –viral distribution. According to research of Opinion Research Corporation International (ORCI), users told an average of 12 other people about an online shopping experience. So the Network of affiliates growths very fast. See table below.



Number of affiliates













             The main problem with Affiliate Marketing is that affiliates are not receiving full reward for their contributions to the “Network” formation. They receive income (in addition to their own references) usually from 1st and some times 2nd levels affiliates and do not receive income from affiliates on other levels.

             1.3    Synergy

The Law of Synergy (in a very primitive form) may be formulated as follows:

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

There are a lot of examples about this law in many disciplines. The most known example for business people is-Corporate Mergers.

The affiliate Network Marketing uses the advantages of both MLM and AM and in the same time has no their main drawbacks. 

1.4    Comparison

The table below shows differences and similarities of all discussed methods.


Network Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Network Marketing

Income from own sales

Non zero

Non zero

Non zero

Income from 1st level

Non zero

Non zero

Non zero

Income from 2nd  level

Non zero

Non zero(some times)

Non zero

Income from other levels

Non zero


Non zero

Cost of entry




Operational costs (transportation/storing…)

Non zero



Risk to loose money




Rewards for:

Sales/recruitment of distributors

References on customers/recruitment of affiliates

Sales and/or references+recruitment of affiliates and/or distributors

Forms Networks of:



Affiliates and/or distributors

Web site

Not necessary


Not necessary

 2. Who have the best chances on success in Affiliate Network Marketing?

 Theoretically any person has positive chances on success in ANM, but as shows practice the most successful are two categories.

The first category consists of people who have a network or virtual network (relations with other people that can be quickly converted in to the real network).

The second category consists of people who are very creative and hard working. They can quickly beat competitors using their natural talents and working habits.

 3. Step by step guide.

 In this section we describe a step-by-step way to ANM, affordable for any person. For people/businesses that have products/services for sale, the step 1 should be skipped.

 Step1. Selecting Merchants (AP)

 Key points in selecting a Merchant’s Affiliate Program (AP) are:

            -risk do not receive some or all commissions from the merchants,

            -profit potential (select AP with highest profit potential).

There is a lot of information on the first theme, regarding how to select reliable merchants (see, for example http://www.affiliateunion.com). To select merchants with a high profit potential (among the pre selected reliable merchants) you can use our simple spreadsheet (tools).

 Step2. Analyzing the Network

 On this stage you should determine (or guess) the growth factor of your network. As was mentioned above (see 1.2) the growth factor for best online shops is about 12. If your network has a different value it is not critical, as far as you can regulate your future income with your payments scheme (rewarding system). For example, if your growth factor is only 2, then you should extend the number of levels in your rewarding system up to 10 (or more).      

 Step3. Designing the arbitrage

 Let us, demonstrate this step on a simple example. Suppose, that you select the Merchant that pays to you 10% from each sale (to customer that you refers to him).

 Assume, that you have three levels network of people that can be your affiliates (see. Table below). 


Number of affiliates







 Suppose, you decide to reserve 1% (from 10%) for own profit and distribute 9% to affiliates. Your sociological/marketing research shows that your potential affiliates have the following preferences: 

Payment scheme

N of scheme

Share of affiliates in %

1st level –3%

2nd level –3%

3rd level -3%



1st level –6%

2nd level –2%

3rd level -1%



1st level –4%

2nd level –3%

3rd level - 2%



10% of the affiliates have no preferences.

You expect, that average sales per month per an affiliate will be -$100.

From this information you can estimate an income from your ANM program (see, for example- Arbitrage_calculator) 

Payment scheme

N of scheme

Average monthly income in $

1st level –3%

2nd level –3%

3rd level -3%



1st level –6%

2nd level –2%

3rd level -1%



1st level –4%

2nd level –3%

3rd level - 2%




From the table above you can see that scheme N1 gives to you more income than other schemes, so you decide to use scheme N1.

In this way you designed the arbitrage between 1-level network (10% ) and the 3-levels network.

Without this arbitrage your income is only $120 (10% from 12*100). Therefore, arbitrage gives you about 2000% increase in income ($2388 versus $120). 

If you are not impressed by this result try to calculate income for 4th, 5th ,….10th levels networks. The problem is  the more levels you want the harder to build the network. 

Step4. Announce your ANM program

Now you can announce your ANM program to your perspective affiliates.

If you have not any perspective affiliates, you can publish your ANM program in the Affiliate Programs directories. (See, for example http://www.refer-it.com ).

 Step5. Manage your ANM program.

 This step may be detailed as follows:

Search for new affiliates (or super affiliates)

Attract affiliates to your network

Register affiliates

Register orders/sales/leads

Generate reports

Reward affiliates

Register payments

Communicate with the affiliates

Analyze trends and performance

Make decisions.


Good luck in the world of Affiliate Network Marketing !  



Copyright © 2001 Apfa Group
Last modified: March 09, 2001